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To get started you can either:

Then it's just a case of adding required scripts in your page, best at the bottom:

        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="jquery.clickable.min.js"></script>

Options & defaults

Option Default Description
clickableChild null Used to make a child element clickable of which the script was executed
selectLink null Used to specify which link to use within the clickable box should more than one link be found
clickableClass clickable The class that gets added to elements which have been successfully initialized
hoverClass clickable-hover The class that gets added to the onHover state of clickable elements
focusClass clickable-focus The class that gets added to the onFocus state of clickable elements
urlPrefixes ['http://', 'https://', 'www.'] An array of different prefixes that can appear before each link
callbackAfter null A callback that is triggered after the element has been made clickable

Example: Link target



Single link in target

A single link within the target. Google. That will link the whole box!

Multiple same links in target

Multiple links within the target. Google. But to the same place, so thats ok. Google.

Link opens in new window

Best to avoid links opening in a new window, but just incase this should work. Google.

Multiple different links - PLUGIN WILL IGNORE

Multiple links within the target. Google. But to DIFFERENT places, so the plugin will ignore this. Facebook.

Example: Link image

        $(function() {
                clickableChild : 'img'


Single link in target

A single link within the target. Google. That will link the whole box!

Multiple same links in target

Multiple links within the target. Google. But to the same place, so thats ok. Google.

Link opens in new window

Best to avoid links opening in a new window, but just incase this should work. Google.

Multiple different links - PLUGIN WILL IGNORE

Multiple links within the target. Google. But to DIFFERENT places, so the plugin will ignore this. Facebook.

Example: Link image from heading

        $(function() {
                clickableChild : 'img',
                selectLink : 'h4'


Single link in target

A single link within the target. Facebook. That will link the whole box!

Multiple same links in target

Multiple links but we only use the one in the header. Facebook. But to the same place, so thats ok. Facebook.

Link opens in new window

Best to avoid links opening in a new window, but just incase this should work.

Multiple different links

Multiple links but we only use the one in the heading. Facebook. Hotmail.